Frequently Asked Questions
- Would you like a straighter, more beautiful smile?
- Would you like that beautiful smile in a few short months instead of years?
- Would you like to experience less discomfort?
- Would you like to pay less for your orthodontic treatment?
Fastbraces® technology has been used successfully to treat thousands of patients. Studies show that Fastbraces® have low friction, low sensitivity and there is no more risk in wearing Fastbraces® compared to traditional braces. Because Fastbraces® Technology works in a different principle altogether, treatment can be reduced, which typically results in less cost and less visits to your doctor.
Treatment times range from 3 months to about a year Fastbraces® Technology typically works with just one orthodontic wire from start to finish, whereas old braces usually require a series of wires and tightening procedures. Fastbraces® Technology uses a special square super-elastic nickel-titanium wire which is activated by the special design of the braces. This dynamic wire helps upright the whole tooth using the natural temperature of the mouth in just one stage. Now treatment time can be measured in months instead of years!
Twenty years of history, thousands of consecutively treated patients and university research have shown that Fastbraces® are not only safe but offer many additional benefits. Patients oftentimes experience less discomfort and there are no more risks with Fastbraces® than those associated with traditional braces. Additionally, the fact that the braces are on for less time means that there is possibly less chance of tooth decay due to improper oral hygiene.
Fastbraces® Technology is very affordable in most cases because treatment typically takes just a few visits at the doctor’s office. Less doctor visits mean less money spent, less gas used getting to and from the doctor’s office and less time off school or work.
Pain reduction
Advances in technology are rapidly changing the way braces straighten teeth, the length of time it takes, the cost, and the comfort level. Research has shown lower sensitivity from greater pain reduction with the bracket system of Fastbraces® Technology.
Different by design
The Fastbraces® Technology brackets have an elevated slot and a unique elbow design. The shape of the bracket is critical because it literally changes the force-flexibility equation. The square shape of conventional brackets defines the distance between the brackets and that distance determines the flexibility of the wire. The triangular shape of the Fastbraces® patented bracket increases the distance between the individual brackets, which increase the flexibility of the wire. Additionally, the brackets help deliver torquing and tipping forces to the root of the tooth from the beginning of treatment. These fundamental differences allow treatment to be completed from 3 months to about a year.
When teeth come in crooked, this means the root is typically not in the correct position. Fastbraces® triangular braces are applied with a wire instead of square braces, the distance between the braces is almost doubled. This extra space increases the flexibility of the wire, allowing the root to be straightened upright in a year to as little as three months. Some patients see results in just a few weeks.
There are no miracle shortcuts in orthodontics, but Fastbraces® Technology is different by design. Fastbraces® makes it possible to measure treatment time in months instead of years. Some patients see results in just a few weeks. The old style braces are generally square in shape and usually move the crown of the tooth in the first year, and the root of the tooth in the second year, which requires two years of treatment time. The patented triangular bracket in the Fastbraces® Technology gently allows for movement of the crown and the root of the teeth at the same time without any extra risk for the patient and with minimal discomfort.

Dr Declan Moloney
the Straight Teeth in 120 Days Guy

Fastbraces Overview
Smile with Straight Teeth
in 120 days with Fastbraces®
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